Beauty Worlds
Human beings have always been intrigued and fascinated by beauty and have gone to great extremes to either be beautiful or to have the beautiful. And Beauty can be dangerous. However, modern consumer cultures seem obsessed with beauty. And it is certainly controversial. Cosmetic surgery procedures are becoming more socially acceptable world-wide. Why are people willing to have medically unnecessary operations-with all of the risks of infection, scarring, and death-for the sake of how they look? Has the whole world been taken over by a 'culture of narcissism'? But what is wrong with wanting to look good? Articles here cover many different aspects of beauty from various perspectives. Most pages have a different web poll. You can visit the forums to find out what people think and feel about beauty. is dedicated to the experience of beauty in nature and cultures past and present. Why do we find certain things or styles beautiful? Why do we worry about aging and hair loss? Why are people in contemporary societies so obsessed with beauty? Visit Introduction to the Site to find out what this site is about. Several new pages are usually being added to on a weekly basis and there are extensive development plans for the site so be sure to check back regularly.